A Custom Plan Deserves a Range of Services

What We Offer

Our services cover all areas of wealth management, from investment and retirement planning to risk mitigation strategies and issues surrounding estate planning. We specialize in helping our clients develop a comprehensive, cohesive financial strategy that fits their unique needs and enables them to pursue both short- and long-term goals.

Grandfather with Grandson on Bumper Car

Retirement Planning

Whether you are early in your career or actively contemplating retirement, a business owner or an individual, it’s never too late to put a plan of action into place. We can help you find the right plan and the right investments to help pursue your retirement goals.

Tax Forms on Table with Pen and Calculator

Tax Planning

Understanding the current income tax code is no easy task. Our tax planning professionals help you better understand federal and state income taxes and how they may impact particular investment strategies. Our goal is to help interpret the tax code as it relates to your investments and to provide you with proactive tax planning ideas to discuss with your tax advisor.

Multi-Generational Family at Table with Advisor

Estate Planning

Estate planning encompasses more than the distribution of your estate to your heirs. It is a process designed to identify the best way to accumulate, preserve, and pass your wealth by implementing a plan to meet all of your objectives. A carefully prepared estate plan can help you address lifetime management issues and ensure you are financially prepared to meet with an estate planning attorney.

Row of graduates sitting facing away from viewer

Education Planning Strategies

We develop strategies for the many ways to save for a child’s education, including college savings plans, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, and UGMA/UTMA Accounts.

Couple sitting at table with computer and financial documents

Cash Management

We offer a comprehensive suite of cash management services to integrate your day-to-day liquidity needs with your long-term ambitions. While great for the occasional payment, these solutions are also an attractive alternative to a traditional bank.

Couple meeting with young male advisor

Investment Advisory Services

As an investor, you’re faced with an uncertain and volatile financial marketplace further complicated by the wide array of investment options available to you. You know that proper planning and discipline are important in working toward financial independence and security for your heirs, but developing a sound strategy and selecting and managing your investments yourself can be an arduous task. For investors who would like to free themselves from the need to continually monitor asset allocation and portfolios, we have access to a wide array of advisory programs designed to match your custom needs.

Business Man and Woman Discussing Project in Hallway

Corporate Executive Services

We offer guidance and support to executives of publicly traded companies as they face the varied, and often complicated, issues relating to ownership of their company’s stock. Stifel is equipped to handle such complex issues as financing the exercise of stock options, financing the taxes due upon the vesting of restricted stock awards and restricted stock units, control and restricted stock transactions, and Rule 10b5-1 plans.

Male and Female Restaurant Owners Discussing Something on Tablet

Business Succession Services

A well-crafted succession plan aims to benefit everybody involved – the departing owner, their family, the business, and the successor. However, organizing and effectively managing your personal and business affairs can be a daunting task when you are building, growing, and running an organization. That’s where we come in. Leveraging Stifel’s robust resources, our goal is to help business owners like you maximize enterprise value.

Business man in glasses listening to business woman talk in meeting room with laptop in front of them

Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

We know that offering an employer-sponsored retirement plan is critical to attract and retain top talent.  Stifel offers a broad range of services, including fiduciary support, investment selection and monitoring, and fee and expense management, to create and implement a plan that is right for your business and your employees.